With LED light bulbs to promote the use of large-scale, LED become the focus of attention. A cross of light pollution research project that, LED suppress melatonin levels are higher, may affect human health. This is not the first time questioned the white solid state light (SSL) on human health, this new research shows that traffic in the same light output suitable conditions, LED increase the 'low-light suppression of melatonin with light pollution' is a high-pressure sodium (HPS) five times. Publish the text of the multinational (Italy, Israel and the U.S.) suggest that future research take regulatory restrictions for SSL products. The article entitled 'limit light pollution on human health, the environment and the impact of the visibility of the stars', published in "Environmental Management" journal.
Study, the LED and metal halide (MH) light sources with high pressure sodium (HPS) light compared to, LED and white light produced by MH shortwave light contains more blue light than HPS produced orange to yellow light. Like many similar studies, the new study apparently did not actually test subjects, but on the level of melatonin suppression relative spectral content of the prior study. The researchers concluded, MH light suppression of melatonin levels is three times the HPS light source; LED is it’s 5 times.
Body secretion of melatonin has been shown to be a normal sleep / wake cycle and circadian rhythm of the key, some researchers also believe that melatonin also has 'anti-oxidant and anti-cancer' attribute. But there is no accurate data show that the impact of white light at night, in the end the night light on the adverse effects of humans and many animals?